In the Park by the Bay
Composite of Brown Pelicans in the fog
A branching owlet in a eucalyptus tree, Presidio Cemetery, 2007
The Parrots of Telegraph Hill feast on a tree of life on the Main Post of the Presidio.
Young sibling red tailed hawks fledging on a Monterey Cypress snag in the Infantry Terrace, The Presidio.
Coyote parents what two of their pups play, Infantry Terrace, Presidio, 2017
An Anna's Hummingbird sits on her eggs near the Main Post in the Presidio of San Francisco, CA
A Pacific Garter Snake with Beach Strawberry, El Polin Spring, Presidio
A pair of Great Horned Owls in a Dawn Redwood, Kobbe, The Presidio
A Western Honey Bee, Blackberry, Infantry Terrace, The Presidio
American Kestrel, El Polin, The Presidio
Anna's Hummingbird, Red Flowering Eucalyptus, Fort Scott, The Presidio
Varible Checkerspot, Fort Scott, The Presidio
Black Phoebe, El Polin, The Presidio
Coyote, Washington, The Presidio
A branching Great Horned Owl, Presidio Cemetery
A Western Fence Lizard, Lobos Dunes, The Presidio
A Coastal Green Hairstreak, Grass, Marine Hospital, The Presidio
Spiderwebs, Infantry Terrace, The Presidio
Bee, Seaside Buckwheat, Kobbe, The Presidio
Great Horned Owl, Dawn Redwood, Kobbe, The Presidio
Monarch Butterflies, Eucalyptus, Rob Hill, The Presidio
Banana Slug, Kobbe, The Presidio
Acmon Blue Butterfly, Kobbe, The Presidio
Red Tailed Hawk, Fort Scott, The Presidio
Northern Flicker, El Polin, The Presidio
Red Admiral, Infantry Terrace, The Presidio
Ochre Sea Star, Fort Point, The Presidio
White Crowned Sparrow, Baker Beach, The Presidio
Spotted Tussock Moth Caterpillar, El Polin, The Presidio
Great Blue Heron, Monterey Cypress, Infantry Terrace, The Presidio