Environmental Portraits
Andy Goldsworthy at Woodline, 2017
Dave Seabury, Presidio Salvage, 2017
Cheryl Haines at Women: New Portraits by Annie Leibovitz, 2016
Curator Liz Melicker at EXCLUSION at the Presidio Officers' Club Museum
The Presidio Theatre Project Restoration Team
A US soldier smoking in a National Park.
Chefs Traci Des Jardins, Reylon Agustin and Robbie Lewis ad Arguello Restaurant
The Presidio Trust Board, 2015 From top left: John Reynolds, Lynne Benioff, John Keker, Janet Reilly From bottom left: Paula Robinson Collins, Nicola Minor and Alex Mehran.
A USAF solidier at Officers Club in the Presidio of San Francisco, 2012
The Presidio landscape crew on Main Post
Abbey Morris, Dave Seabury, Aimee Vincent, Jean Koch and Christa Conforti of the Presidio Sustainability Team at the Kobbe Community Gardens
Christa Conforti, of the Presidio Trust checks for mosquitos carrying West Nile Disease in the Lab.
Presidio Trust interns sit at the Pacific Overlook in the Presidio of San Francisco
The Project Team Restoring the Presidio Theatre on stage before rennovation
Presidio Forestry Volunteer Frank holds a young coast redwood tree in Thomas Grove
Abby Morris the compost heaps in the Presidio of San Francisco.
Sonoma State graduate student Dana Terry reintroduces zoo raised western pond turtles into Mountain Lake.
Aimee Vincent, Sustainability Manager at the Presidio Trust in the meadow at Fort Scott
Bambi Illustrator and master kite maker Tyrus Wong with an owl kite in the Presidio of San Francisco August 17, 2013.
The Presidio Landscape Team, 2017
Stephen Duffy, Presidio Forestry Team cutting down a tree in the Thomas stand.
Jeff Wright of the Presidio landscaping team on General Kennedy Ave
The Presidio Forestry Team replanting Monterey Cypress in the Park Blvd Stand.
Gennieve Bantle, Lewis Stringer, Tyson Appel and Amy Chong of the Presidio Trust at Quartermaster Reach Marsh as SF Bay water returned to the wetland after 105 years.
Abby Morris stands on a compost pile in the Presidio of San Francisco.
Robert (Bo) Cherry on the new tunnel replacing the Doyle Drive stretch of Hwy 101 in San Francisco
Jean Koch harvests nasturtium flowers in the Presidio Community Gardens.
Presidio Forester Blake Troxel at the Washington Street Stand which will be removed and replaced over the next six years.